A. A. 2016 / 2017
A. A. 2018 / 2019
Primo Semestre
Secondo Semestre
A. A. 2020 / 2021
Primo Semestre
Secondo Semestre
A. A. 2021 / 2022
Primo Semestre
Secondo Semestre
A. A. 2019 / 2020
Primo Semestre
Secondo Semestre
A. A. 2022 / 2023
Primo Semestre
Secondo Semestre
A. A. 2023 / 2024
Primo Semestre
Secondo Semestre
A. A. 2024 / 2025
Primo Semestre
Dipartimento per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile e la Transizione Ecologica
Secondo Semestre
- Strengthening health system resilience to enhance disaster and crisis preparedness.
- Implementing and evaluating operational plans, strategies, and tools to improve disaster and health crisis management.
- Assessing health system response and access to care in disasters and humanitarian crisis.
- Aligning Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation to protect global health from disasters and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Professionalization of disaster and humanitarian health workers.
- Curriculum development in disaster medicine, humanitarian aid and global health.
- Integration, implementation, and analysis of innovative training methodologies for disaster response and humanitarian assistance.
- Coordinator of CRIMEDIM’s research personnel and administrative staff (40+).
- Course Director of the Master of Science in Disaster and Health Crisis Management, Università del Piemonte Orientale.
- Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Global Health, Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Medicine, Università del Piemonte Orientale.
- Course Director of the European Master in Disaster Medicine, jointly offered by the Università del Piemonte Orientale and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
- Faculty Member of the Medical School, Università del Piemonte Orientale.
- Adjunct Faculty Member of the BIDMC Fellowship in Disaster Medicine, Harvard Medical School.
- Faculty Member of the Master of Science in Global Health, Università degli Studi di Milano.
- Principal Investigator of the Horizon Europe project PREPSHIELD (EU grant 3.9 million euro) which aims to foster a more holistic and citizen-centric approach to health crisis preparedness and management, by co-creating policy recommendations, methods and an AI-powered platform for crisis management to better prepare for and address health crises from a social and societal perspective.
- Participant of the Horizon Europe project MOUNTADAPT (EU grant 6.5 million euro) which aims to promote the resilient transformation of the healthcare system in mountainous areas, to mitigate the direct and indirect impacts of climate change on health and well-being.
- Principal investigator and project lead of 3 European
funded projects TEAMS, TEAMS 2.0 and TEAMS 3.0 – Training for Emergency Medical
Teams and European Medical Corps (a total of EU grant 2 million euro).
- Coordinator of CRIMEDIM participation to the NEMS Project, a World
Bank funded project (budget 13 million dollars) which aims to create and
implement the first national prehospital emergency medical system in Sierra
- Coordinator of CRIMEDIM participation to the EU MODEX Consortium (Medical Modules). .
- Coordinator of the Work Package 5 of the Horizon 2020
European funded project NO-FEAR (EU grant 3.5 million euro) which aims to bring
together a pan-European and beyond network of emergency medical care
practitioners, suppliers, decision and policy makers to collaborate and
exchange knowledge, good practices, and lessons learned.
- Coordinator of the Work Package 1 of the Horizon 2020
European funded project NIGTHINGALE - Novel InteGrated toolkit for enhanced
pre-Hospital life support and Triage IN challenGing And Large Emergencies (EU
grant 8.9 million euro) which aims to improve the medical response in mass
casualty incidents and disasters. The consortium includes 23 partners from all
over Europe.
- Coordinator of the implementation of the workplan
agreed with WHO within the official framework of CRIMEDIM as WHO Collaborating
Center for Training and Research in Emergency and Disaster Medicine.
- Member of the team of experts designated by the Italian Ministry of Health with the task of guiding the process of monitoring, evaluation and updating of the national strategic-operational plan for preparation and response to a 2021 - 2023 influenza pandemic.
- Coordinator of the team of experts designated by the Piedmont Region Health Committee with the task of guiding the process of developing the regional strategic-operational plan and training program for preparation and response to CBRNe events.
- Coordinator of the European funded consortium leading
the organization of three WHO Emergency Medical Teams Coordination Cell
Trainings and two OCHA UNDAC courses (EU grant 300.000 euro).
- Member of the research project SPRM - Strategic
Pandemic Risk Management, project financed by the Norwegian Research Council.
- Member of the research project WHO H-EDRM health
workforce development coordinated by the Collaborating Centre for Oxford
University and other partners: Harvard University (USA), Tohoku University
(Japan), University of Hyogo (Japan), University of the Philippines, and the
Sichuan University (China). Funded by the World Health Organization (WHO).
- Direction of the international research group,
collaboration between CRIMEDIM, World Health Organization and Harvard
University, for conducting the field study for the evaluation of the quality of
the response to the health emergency caused by the battle of Mosul in Iraq.
- Support the WHO Emergency Medical Team (EMT)
Initiative to produce a monitoring framework, contribute to trainings
curriculum and implementation of simulation exercises at the regional training center
in WHO AFRO region.
- Clinical activities, assistance and counseling for
patients under mechanical ventilation, supervision and coordination of research
projects and activities carried out by residents in anesthesia and intensive
care within a 2nd level functional rehabilitation center (in-patient and
outpatient services) associated with the Università del Piemonte Orientale.
- Responsible of the development, documentation, and
test of the Hospital Disaster Plan of the Maggiore della Carità University
Hospital (Novara), the second largest third-level referral hospital of the
Piedmont Region (Italy).
- Promotion and coordination of the collaborative relationships with regional, national, and international institutions and organizations in the field of disaster medicine and humanitarian health, with United Nations Offices and Agencies, departments of other Italian and international universities, with public and private research centers, with companies and individuals.