Ricevimento e Altre Informazioni
Ad Alessandria presso il suo studio e ad Asti presso la sede del Corso di Laurea in Servizio Sociale, su appuntamento: o al termine di ogni lezione.
Ageism, prejudice and discriminatory behaviors - “Age-It: Ageing individuals in an ageing society” (2023-2025)
Coordinamento scientifico del TASK n. 1.4. Ageismo, pregiudizi, e comportamenti discriminatori;nell’ambito dello Spoke 7 Dimensioni culturali e politiche delle società che invecchiano - WP1, coordinato dalla prof.ssa Galeotti, nel Progetto “Age-It: Ageing individuals in an ageing society”, finanziato dal Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) – M4C2 – Partenariati estesi alle Università, ai centri di ricerca, alle aziende per il finanziamento di progetti di ricerca di base – CODICE PROGETTO PE_15 – CUP C13C22000660001.
“Social work and sustainable local development in Italy: towards eco-social work? -ECOSOW (Servizio sociale e sviluppo locale sostenibile: verso un lavoro ecosociale? - ECOSOW" (2023-2025)
Vice P.I.; Coordinamento scientifico dell’Unità locale di ricerca, Università del Piemonte Orientale, nel Progetto PRIN 2022 - ammesso al contributo dal Mur con D.D. n. 1060 del 17/07/2023 - PNRR MUR- (M4C2 - 1.1) - PRIN 2022 - Progetto 2022WY5Z7P
Anti-oppressive social work? A research on professional practices in Italy (2020- 2022)
Partnership: Department of Law and Political, Economic and Social Studies, University of Piemonte Orientale (P.I.), Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy, Social workers Council of Piedmont. The research has two aims: 1) analyzing the social workers’ opinions about their role in fighting against oppression and discrimination and in enacting a ‘political role’ and 2) exploring the types of oppression and discrimination in the everyday practice within social work agencies. This study was guided by a mixed-methods approach, which included 12 focus groups and an online survey. The analysis was carried out on a self-selected non-probabilistic sample of 3,887 social workers.
Allegri, E., Rosina, B., Sanfelici, M. (2022). Remaking Social Work by Applying an Anti-oppressive Lens. In: Tan, N.T., Shajahan, P. (eds) Remaking Social Work for the New Global Era. Springer, Cham, pp.29-44. Print ISBN 978-3-031-08351-8
Transnational research. Partnership: School of Health and Social Work- University of Hertfordshire (UK); School of Social, Political & Economic Sciences Democritus - University of Thrace (GR); Department of Culture and Society - University of Palermo (IT); Department of Law, Political, Economic, and Social Studies - University of Piemonte Orientale, Alessandria (IT); Social Work Scotland. The partnership aims to research the views of social workers in North Greece and South Italy who are working with refugees and migrants there, as well as of representatives of service users in these areas.
Allegri, E. (2022). Service Users’ Involvement in Social Work Education: Lessons from an Innovative Experience, Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 14(1), 133-150. DOI: 10.14658/pupj-ijse-2022-1-8
Allegri, E. (2021), "Death Foretold: A Multiperspective Study of Domestic Violence in an Italian Town", Ramon, S., Lloyd, M. and Penhale, B. (Ed.) Gendered Domestic Violence and Abuse in Popular Culture (Emerald Studies in Popular Culture and Gender), Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 15-31.
Allegri E., Eve M., Mazzola R., Perino M., Pogliano A. (2020), Other ‘Lenses’: a Training Programme for Social Workers and Others Working with Asylum Seekers and Migrants in Italy, in EUROPEAN JOURNAL of SOCIAL WORK, ISSN 1369-1457, 23:3, pp. 529-540, DOI: 10.1080/13691457.2020.1743239
Allegri E., Gullace G., Long J. (2020), Università e «Terza Missione». Riflessioni su un innovativo progetto di formazione e sostegno a favore dei tutori volontari di minori stranieri non accompagnati in Piemonte, in "Autonomie locali e servizi sociali, Quadrimestrale di studi e ricerche sul welfare" 1, pp. 165-178,