Ricevimento e Altre Informazioni
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Il ricevimento per i corsi è riportato di seguito:
- Chimica Teorica e Computazionale: mercoledì dalle 15:00 alle 16:00
- Spettroscopie Ottiche: martedì dalle 15:00 alle 16:00
Si comunica che il corso di Modellistica Chimica non è più attivo. Gli studenti che hanno seguito il corso in precedenza potranno comunque sostenere l'esame con il docente.
Gli studenti di Ph.D. interessati al corso Optoelettronica organica: principi e metodi di simulazione del Dottorato di Ricerca in Chemistry and Biology, devono contattare il docente per fissare le date del corso.
Head of The LIME lab unit of Theoretical Photophysics and Photochemistry
- spoke 7 project “RODEO” funded by the Italian Research Center on HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing (146k€)
- PRIN2022 project “EnvELOP” funded by the Italian Ministry of
University and Research (MUR) (119k€)
- Bando Ricerca UPO 2022: Lit-Up project funded by MUR - DM 737/2021 of PNR and Compagnia di San Paolo (45k€)
Quantum Chemistry is at the heart of the research activity, focused on the development and implementation of models and methods for:
- Molecular electronic excited states: environment polarization effects by QM/classical methods (both continuum or discrete)
- Ab-initio simulations of static and time resolved molecular spectroscopies.
- Electronic structure: Density Functional Theory and Time Dependent DFT, GW/BSE, multireference wave-function methods.
- OAM-EELS for new molecular spectroscopies with swift electrons.
- Theory of Open Quantum Systems for polarizable environment via a stochastic Schroedinger equation approach.
- Models for dispersion interactions in QM/classical approaches.
- Molecular nanoplasmonics
- Excitonic models of multichromophoric systems
Some representative publications:
- “Exploring the spatial features of electronic transitions in molecular and biomolecular systems by swift electrons”
C. A. Guido*, E. Rotunno, M. Zanfrognini, S. Corni and V. Grillo, J. Chem. Theory Comput, 17, 2364 (2021). - “Simple Protocol for Capturing Both Linear-Response and State-Specific Effects in Excited-State Calculations with Continuum Solvation Models”
C. A. Guido*, A. Chrayteh, B. Mennucci and D. Jacquemin, J. Chem. Theory Comput, 17, 5155 (2021). - “An Open Quantum System Theory for Polarizable Continuum Models “
C. A. Guido, M. Rosa, R. Cammi and S. Corni, J. Chem. Phys. 152, 174114 (2020). - “Hybrid theoretical models for molecular nanoplasmonics”
E. Coccia, J. Fregoni, C. A. Guido, M. Marsili, S. Pipolo, S. Corni, J. Chem. Phys., 153, 200901 (2020). - "Investigating ultrafast two-pulse experiments in single DNQDI fluorophore: a stochastic quantum approach"
G. Dall'Osto, E. Coccia, C. A. Guido and S. Corni, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 22, 16764 (2020). - “Excited State Gradients for State-Specific Continuum Solvation Models: the Vertical Excitation Model within a Lagrangian TDDFT formulation”
C. A. Guido*, G. Scalmani, B. Mennucci and D. Jacquemin, J. Chem Phys.146, 204106 (2017). - “The Bethe-Salpeter formalism with polarizable continuum embedding: combining state-specific and linear-response features”
I. Duchemin, C. A. Guido, D. Jacquemin and X. Blase, Chem. Sci. 9, 4430 (2018). - “Effective electron displacements: A tool for time-dependent density functional theory computational spectroscopy”
C. A. Guido*, P. Cortona and C. Adamo, J. Chem. Phys. 140, 104101 (2014). - “On the metric of charge transfer molecular excitations: a simple chemical descriptor”
C. A. Guido*, P. Cortona, B. Mennucci and C. Adamo, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 9, 3118 (2013).
- Collaborations
- Stefano Corni (Padova University, Italy)
- Benedetta Mennucci (Pisa University, Italy)
- Massimo Olivucci (Siena University, Italy)
- Daniele Padula (Siena University, Italy)
- Luca De Vico (Siena University, Italy)
- Laura Zanetti-Polzi (CNR-Nano, Modena, Italy)
- Francesco De Angelis (IIT, Genova, Italy)
- Vincenzo Grillo (CNR-Nano, Modena, Italy)
- Enzo Rotunno (CNR-Nano, Modena, Italy)
- Emanuele Coccia (Trieste University, Italy)
- Gennaro Pescitelli (Pisa University, Italy)
around the world:
- Carles Curutchet (Barcelona University, Spain)
- Denis Jacquemin (Nantes University, France)
- Carlo Adamo (Chimie Paristech, France)
- Giovanni Scalmani (Gaussian Inc., U.S.A.)
- Pietro Cortona (CentraleSupelec Paris, France)
- Xavier Blase (CNRS Grenoble, France)
- Jacob Kongsted (Copenhagen University, Denmark)
- Nicolò Maccaferri (Umeå University, Umeå, Sverige)